Richard Lynn Headshot

Richard E. Lynn

M∴W∴ Richard E. Lynn was born is Coral Gables, Florida. He was the youngest of three children, which included a brother and sister.

M∴W∴ Lynn received his formal education in South Florida. Upon completion of his studies, he immediately joined Catering by David Lynn, a family business, which was started by his parents. Through the years, his hard work earned him the respect of his family, and the Presidency of the Company. In addition to maintaining the honor and integrity upon which the business was built, M∴W∴ Lynn’s company had been successful in achieving the recognition as one of the finest and most prestigious catering companies in Florida.

M∴W∴ Lynn’s Masonic career started with his initiation into Biscayne Bay Lodge No. 124 on September 25, 1973. His love for the Fraternity grew very rapidly and before reaching the 3rd Degree, he was already teaching catechism to the brethren of his Lodge. On January 4, 1974, he was Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. M∴W∴ Lynn started though the chairs as Tyler, progressing on through to the elected positions, and finally was installed Worshipful Master of the Lodge in January, 1982. Once again called to service in 1995 to serve as Master.

In 1984, M∴W∴ Lynn was appointed the District Deputy Grand Master of the 29th Masonic District. After his term, and until the present, he has diligently served the Fraternity well in various positions ranging from the Board of Trustees of the Masonic Home to the Corporate Board of Directors for Grand Lodge. Chairman Masonic Jurisprudence 1995-1996, 2004-2008

M∴W∴ Lynn is a member of the Memorial Lodge No. 29, the Scottish and York Rites, Everglade Chapter No. 149, York Rite College, Mahi Shrine, Potentate 1999, Shrine International Development Committee 2024. MI-AM-I Grotto, Biscayne Bay Chapter O.E.S. Patron 1979 and 1982 as well as other Masonic organizations and youth groups. Additionally, he proudly holds various honors which he has received, including the York Rite Red Cross, the Scottish Rite 33 Degree Inspector Honorary, and Representative to the Grand Lodge of Oregon in Florida. M∴W∴ Lynn served as Executive Officer for Florida DeMolay from 2004-2009. President of the DeMolay International Foundation, President 2024. He also served as President of the Conference of Grand Secretaries of North America in 2024.Served on the Masonic Renewal Committee for 30 plus years.

M∴W∴ Lynn’s success has been paralleled by his civic accomplishments in the community. Recognitions include the Florida Civil Air Patrol Wing Service Award, Knights of the Pythias Man of the Year, the University of Miami Young Alumni Outstanding Service Award, and being named as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America. His various club organizations include the University of Miami Hurricane Club, Golden Cane, Coral Gables Jaycees, Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, Board of Directors of the Easter Seal Society of Dade County and Past President of Business Inc. of Miami. Dade County Youth and Family Services Board of Advisers 1982-1984. El-Beth-El Church, Successful Role Model Honoree 2011.